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JBL NovoBea 22g

JBL NovoBea 22g
JBL NovoBea 22g


Complete nutrition and ideal growth for small fish species and fry: 52 natural raw nutrients in 7 food flakes


- Nutritious and easy to digest: ideal feeding conditions for small aquarium fish species and young fish of 1 to 5 cm in medium and upper water layer
- Keine Wassertrübung: Reduziertes Algenwachstum durch abgestimmten Phosphatgehalt, bessere Wasserqualität durch bessere Verdaulichkeit des Futters, wodurch die Ausscheidungen der Fische reduziert werden
- Fish choose JBL food: 98.5% of all fish species ate the JBL food immediately during research expeditions in freshwaters. No processing of cheap fish meal, fish meat from fish fillet production for humans is used
- Contents: main food, for small aquarium fish species and fry. After opening use up within 4 months. Unopened can be stored for 3 years in high-quality packaging with foil seal.

JBL NovoBea 22g
JBL NovoBea 22g


Complete nutrition and ideal growth for small fish species and fry: 52 natural raw nutrients in 7 food flakes


- Nutritious and easy to digest: ideal feeding conditions for small aquarium fish species and young fish of 1 to 5 cm in medium and upper water layer
- Keine Wassertrübung: Reduziertes Algenwachstum durch abgestimmten Phosphatgehalt, bessere Wasserqualität durch bessere Verdaulichkeit des Futters, wodurch die Ausscheidungen der Fische reduziert werden
- Fish choose JBL food: 98.5% of all fish species ate the JBL food immediately during research expeditions in freshwaters. No processing of cheap fish meal, fish meat from fish fillet production for humans is used
- Contents: main food, for small aquarium fish species and fry. After opening use up within 4 months. Unopened can be stored for 3 years in high-quality packaging with foil seal.

  • Stock: In Stock
  • Brand: JBL
  • SKU: 4014162301604
Ex Tax: $10.39






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