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JBL NovoPleco XL 125G Chips

JBL NovoPleco XL 125G Chips
JBL NovoPleco XL 125G: Food Wafers for professionalfeeding of larg plant-eating catfish

Extra large (approx 4 x bigger than JBL NovoPleco), water stable food chips for algae and plant eating catfish. Especially hard chips which have to be grated down just as in nature.

JBL NovoPleco XL 125G food chips are made in a special production process to retain maximum nutrients. The ingredients, size and structure are specially selected to meet the nutritional needs of plant-grazing armoured catfish (Plecostoums, Hypostomus etc.) and other plant-eating griund-dwellers. Wheat germ, spirulina algae, a high proportion of green vegetable matter and 10% vital wood fibres provide the current nutrition for this species. The chips sink quickly to the floor of the aquarium where these fish live. As JBL Novo Pleco XL retains ist shape in water, fish which are slowly to eat have sufficient time to feed without the water becomming unnecessarily polluted. Stabilised vitamin C and other votamins promote resistance to disease.

Vitamin content in JBL Novo Pleco XL per 1000 g:
Vitamin A: 25,000 I.E.
Vitamin D3: 2,000 I.E.
Vitamin E: 330 mg
Vitamin C (stab): 400 mg

Fast sinking, hard waters
10%wood fibre, a vital ingredient for a healthy digestive system
Readily accepted due to top quality raw vegetable ingredients
keep their shpae in water for a long time, allowing slo-feeding fish to graze naturally


Feed the fish once or twice a day with only as much food as the fish can consume within 20 mintes.

Note:  As the wafers are stable in water for up to 24 house without disintegrating, a few uneaten wafers do not pose a problem
JBL NovoPleco XL 125G Chips
JBL NovoPleco XL 125G: Food Wafers for professionalfeeding of larg plant-eating catfish

Extra large (approx 4 x bigger than JBL NovoPleco), water stable food chips for algae and plant eating catfish. Especially hard chips which have to be grated down just as in nature.

JBL NovoPleco XL 125G food chips are made in a special production process to retain maximum nutrients. The ingredients, size and structure are specially selected to meet the nutritional needs of plant-grazing armoured catfish (Plecostoums, Hypostomus etc.) and other plant-eating griund-dwellers. Wheat germ, spirulina algae, a high proportion of green vegetable matter and 10% vital wood fibres provide the current nutrition for this species. The chips sink quickly to the floor of the aquarium where these fish live. As JBL Novo Pleco XL retains ist shape in water, fish which are slowly to eat have sufficient time to feed without the water becomming unnecessarily polluted. Stabilised vitamin C and other votamins promote resistance to disease.

Vitamin content in JBL Novo Pleco XL per 1000 g:
Vitamin A: 25,000 I.E.
Vitamin D3: 2,000 I.E.
Vitamin E: 330 mg
Vitamin C (stab): 400 mg

Fast sinking, hard waters
10%wood fibre, a vital ingredient for a healthy digestive system
Readily accepted due to top quality raw vegetable ingredients
keep their shpae in water for a long time, allowing slo-feeding fish to graze naturally


Feed the fish once or twice a day with only as much food as the fish can consume within 20 mintes.

Note:  As the wafers are stable in water for up to 24 house without disintegrating, a few uneaten wafers do not pose a problem
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Brand: JBL
  • SKU: 4014162303417
Ex Tax: $22.60






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