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Ziwi Peak Air Dried Venison Dog Food 454g

Ziwi Peak Air Dried Venison Dog Food 454g
Ziwi Peak Air Dried Venison Dog Food 454g

For an all-natural dog food option with high nutritional value, try the Ziwi Pets Air-Dried Venison!

Made from grass-fed, free-range venison meat, organs, and bones, which made up about 98% of the formula, this protein- and nutrient-rich dog food is air-dried to perfection to ensure that every tasty meaty morsel has all of its natural nutrients. Since this dog food formula is free of the most common allergens dogs experience, such as grains, corn, and soy, it’s perfect for your canine if they are choosy about their food choices or need food that is gentler on the stomach.

From improved digestive and gut health to a shinier coat, the Ziwi Pets Air-Dried Venison is loaded with vitamins and minerals that will help with your dog’s physical health in nearly every area.

Made in New Zealand and free of artificial flavourings/colourings, fillers, meat by- products, and other not-so-healthy ingredients, the Air-Dried Venison from Ziwi Pets is a must-try for all pet parents who want a better, cleaner, and healthier food source for their precious canine!


-Air-dried meat-based dog food formula

– perfect for picky eaters and sensitive stomachs Perfectly dried to retain the natural nutrients Made up of 98% of venison meat, organs, bones, and New Zealand Green Mussel Meat-only protein

– no pea or other protein sources Free of grain, corn, soy, and other possible allergens and easy to digest

-Helps improve digestive health and relieve IBS and IBD symptoms Great food to use for weight and health management, especially for diabetic canines

-Provides joint health support to make everyday activities easier and more enjoyable

-Contains New Zealand Green Mussel for extra chondroitin and glucosamine

-Has omega fatty acids to boost skin and hair health No fillers, artificial flavours/colours, hormones, antibiotics, sugars or ethoxyquin Free-range, grass-fed venison meat sourced from local farms Made in New Zealand

Size: 454g
Ziwi Peak Air Dried Venison Dog Food 454g
Ziwi Peak Air Dried Venison Dog Food 454g

For an all-natural dog food option with high nutritional value, try the Ziwi Pets Air-Dried Venison!

Made from grass-fed, free-range venison meat, organs, and bones, which made up about 98% of the formula, this protein- and nutrient-rich dog food is air-dried to perfection to ensure that every tasty meaty morsel has all of its natural nutrients. Since this dog food formula is free of the most common allergens dogs experience, such as grains, corn, and soy, it’s perfect for your canine if they are choosy about their food choices or need food that is gentler on the stomach.

From improved digestive and gut health to a shinier coat, the Ziwi Pets Air-Dried Venison is loaded with vitamins and minerals that will help with your dog’s physical health in nearly every area.

Made in New Zealand and free of artificial flavourings/colourings, fillers, meat by- products, and other not-so-healthy ingredients, the Air-Dried Venison from Ziwi Pets is a must-try for all pet parents who want a better, cleaner, and healthier food source for their precious canine!


-Air-dried meat-based dog food formula

– perfect for picky eaters and sensitive stomachs Perfectly dried to retain the natural nutrients Made up of 98% of venison meat, organs, bones, and New Zealand Green Mussel Meat-only protein

– no pea or other protein sources Free of grain, corn, soy, and other possible allergens and easy to digest

-Helps improve digestive health and relieve IBS and IBD symptoms Great food to use for weight and health management, especially for diabetic canines

-Provides joint health support to make everyday activities easier and more enjoyable

-Contains New Zealand Green Mussel for extra chondroitin and glucosamine

-Has omega fatty acids to boost skin and hair health No fillers, artificial flavours/colours, hormones, antibiotics, sugars or ethoxyquin Free-range, grass-fed venison meat sourced from local farms Made in New Zealand

Size: 454g
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Brand: Ziwi Peak
  • SKU: 9421016593064
Ex Tax: $43.17






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