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Living World Aspen Shavings Small Animal Bedding 113L

Living World Aspen Shavings Small Animal Bedding 113L
Living World Aspen Shavings Small Animal Bedding 113L


LW Aspen Shavings are a super absorbent bedding & ideal nesting materials for small animals. Aspen Shavings are the ideal choice to absorb urine & reduce smelly odours, especially if your animal is sensitive to cedar or pine shavings ( some rats & mice experience respiratory problems with pine & cedar ). The high absorbency also simplifies cage cleaning.

Living World Aspen Shavings Small Animal Bedding 113L
Living World Aspen Shavings Small Animal Bedding 113L


LW Aspen Shavings are a super absorbent bedding & ideal nesting materials for small animals. Aspen Shavings are the ideal choice to absorb urine & reduce smelly odours, especially if your animal is sensitive to cedar or pine shavings ( some rats & mice experience respiratory problems with pine & cedar ). The high absorbency also simplifies cage cleaning.

Ex Tax: $75.64






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